Winter in Australia is supposed to be dry and cold season and usually lasts from June till August. This year it is different, it rains a lot in Brisbane. Everyone here has to manage this moist and cold climate, even though many came here to search for warmth.
Crazy intense showers with flooded streets are over now, They were caused by the big heat, making the water to evaporate, pushing it in the clouds. The tiniest reason made the raindrops rush back to the earth with enormous speed. Even in winter the water likes to come down from the sky. in winter here in Australia you can see the rain that ususally rains in autumns of Latvia. Coldness and freezing feet is bad enough and the woolen socks and big sweater is absolutely necessary.

Umbrellas become more and more useful and soon i have a plastic raincoat wrapped in my bag.. just in case. However nature has already provided a hiding places from the rain. Palms are not very good, but in some parks you can find sopme trees with very wide leaves, wide enough that you can easily hide under. Apparently the best hiding is under the umbrella trees. The leaves are not too wide and the tree itself doesn't look too good to hide under, but that will definately be the first tree ill run to in case I need a hiding place.. just to test if it works. First time i saw it when the sun was shining bright, so I have no idea if it works. At least some Latvian summer flowers in Brisbane parks are enjoying the cold climate, the rain and plus 8 degrees at night.
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