Friday, April 9, 2010

Almost coconuts

While wandering around Sydney I managed to get in the botanical gardens. Suculent garden and various palms are all over everywhere. And few palms had really weird stuff hanging off them.

Let's start with the pink bananas, that mostly is a food for possums. They were not ripe so I didn't try any, maybe would have been worth it. 
In the botanical garden they try to protect all species, including large amount of trees. There are millions of bats hanging off the branches of those trees. Bats look like coconuts hangiong from the palms. All the surrounding trees are full with those weird creatures, that make loud noise and bad smell. During the day bats should sleep, but in the huge colony there is big noise. Imagine what happens when the millions of bats wake up! They eat fig tree fruits and live their life in darkness. If you hear some pair of wings passing your head at nighttime, you can be sure - it was one of the bats. They are living in the city trees, having their colonies there.
Botanical garden people are not very happy and keep on complaining about the bats that have already killed few rare specimen in the garden. And yet more bats live in the trees, hanging down like a small bags and between them you can see some old and long dead tree branches sticking out in the sky.

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