There are many unsurprising sushi restaurants here, but tmost interesting are the other establishments where sushi is considered the central event. Let's start with 'eat as much as you can' places. On average you pay about 20AUD, but then you can let your stomach enjoy nicely made sushis as much as you can eat.
Just like an exibition is sushi places, where the menu is not found in a menu, but nicely travels around on a sushi train. In the centre there is a round kitchen, around it there is a bar counter. Everyone sits at the counter and on it are the nicest ever sushis sliding around on a different coloured plates. Choose what you like and at the end pay for the used plates. Have no idea how the sushi makers know which is already old sushi, that circles around there for couple hours already, but im sure they have their system.
Even greater fun is the fast food sushi places. You run to a counter, choose a sushi, pay 2 AUD, take small vasabi package and tiny bottle with soya sauce and run away. On the way you decorate your big sushi with green vasabi and dark brown sauce and eat it to stop the hunger. A great option instead of McDonalds or Hesburger, and much more tasty too.
I'll come there only for the sushi... :D